We are parents, grandparents, students, employees, small business owners, and everyday citizens throughout Kent County who have gathered together with the collective mission to restore our local government. We’ve seen too many promises made and rarely kept, priority given to political parties over persons, and calls for help met with passivity and disinterest.
No. More.
We must elect candidates who recognize their obligation to constituents. In an effort to restore trust and accountability to voters, we have created the “Kent County Contract.” By signing this contract, candidates are promising voters that they formally agree to support the seven principles outlined in this document. Because our focus is specific to the local level, we are limiting this contract to the Republican candidates running for the Kent County Board of Commissioners. Please visit the “Verified Candidates” page for a list of candidates who have stepped up to honor the contract and its promises to The People of Kent County.
Summary of Contract Promises:
✔ Protect all Constitutional Freedoms
✔ Defend Life from Conception
✔ Oppose Critical Race Theory
✔ Guard Against Government Overreach
✔ Defend 2A Rights
✔ Demand Government Transparency
✔ Remove DEI Programs Locally
✔ Revise County Bylaws
Please visit the Contract page to read the contract in its entirety. To see which county commissioner candidates have signed, check out the Verified Candidates page for more information.